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Showing posts from June, 2020

Investment (1) : What is stock split?

Berkshire Hathaway most expensive stock price: 1 million MYR / share - Target investors: millionaire - Purpose :  (1) Boost liquidity of shares  (2) make share seems affordable to small investor Let say Jason is holding 100 shares for Berkshire, it costs 100*1 million= 0.1 billion MYR If  Berkshire Hathaway announced a stock split,  '  TWO FOR ONE  '. This means the number of shares increase, but the price per share decreases. NOW Jason's shares will split into two groups,  group(1): 50 shares, cost= 50 million MYR group(2): 50 shares, cost= 50 million MYR total cost = 0.1 billion MYR (nothing gain or lost)

Vocab 15 June 2020

Malay and English Translation 1. The rain is imminent . Translation: Hujan akan turun sekejap lagi . 2. Afred Adler is an eminent psychologist. Translation: Afred Adler ialah seorang pakar psikologi yang terkenal . 3. They are not discreet person so don't tell them too much. Translation: Mereka bukan orang yang bijaksana , jadi jangan beritahu informasi yang selebihnya. 4. The characters in Ejen Ali are devised by an ingenious animation director, Muhammad Usamah Zaid Yasin. Translation: Watak dalam Ejen Ali dirangka oleh seorang pengarah animasi yang pandai , Muhammad Usamah Zaid Yasin. 5. His handwriting is so terrible and illegible . Translation: Tulisan dia sangat teruk dan susah dibaca .

What Inside Out told us?

All of our emotions exist for a purpose. Our culture seems to have something against being sad. Don't reject the sadness, embrace it, learn from it. 1.  No one wants to be sad. But without it how could you ever experience empathy or even sympathy. 2. Sadness shapes much of how we connect with the outside world. 3. Accept that things can be sad is a form of maturing. 4. We have to allow ourselves to express and embrace our emotions. 5. Pretending everything is okay ultimately helps no one. 6. Don't confuse sadness with depression. Depression is a chemical imbalance and it can occured when you're emotionally blocked off.  7. It's great to be sad because it's an essential part of being healthy.  8. Try to prevent sadness is to invoke a depression.💙❤️💜💚💛

Politics is everywhere.

Politics is just a tool to bring a better change to the people. Conversely, when politics becomes the ultimate goal, and the people just a tool, these all are MEANINGLESS. - The people 

Why I Am The Most Important Person In My Life by Abby Piskel

I will admit that a lot of the time, I am the type of person that will put everyone else and their needs above my own. I get a sense of fulfillment from helping someone else, it makes me feel good. By doing this, I tend to dismiss myself and anything that I might need. I can give you all the advice that you want, but when it comes to it, I can never take my own. And I know that I'm not alone in that. At some point in our lives, we need to understand that we are the ones that we need to depend on. When it's 3 a.m. and you're laying in your bed with a head full of thoughts that terrify you, you're the only one that can make it stop. You're the one that has the power to change your life for the better and make it what you want to be. People will come and go in and out of our lives, and that's just how the world works. Sometimes the people that we think will be there for us in the long haul really aren't, and that's okay but that doesn't mean we shou