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Showing posts from July, 2020

Semantris - word association game powered by Machine Learning

Semantris is a set of word association games powered by machine-learned, natural language understanding technology. Each time you enter a clue, the AI looks at all the words in play and chooses the ones it thinks are most related. Because the AI was trained on billions of examples of conversational text that span a large variety of topics, it’s able to make many types of associations. Check out Google Semantic Experiences to learn more about how this technology works: User Interface Enter word related with Ghost Enter word related with any block Leaderboard makes people get addicted Review : Semantris definitely is an excellent AI training model. After experiencing it, it has proven that it was trained under a huge dataset. (( Of course, it is powered by Google. 😂 The accuracy is quite impressive and less time complexity. It would be a perfect game to cope with boredom as well as training the use of vocabulary. Indeed,it kill two birds with one

Artificial Intelligence Strange poster generator (Even Stranger Things)

A fun generator that uses AI image recognition to transform whatever image you upload into a Stranger Things poster. The site uses AI to understand what's in your photo, then makes a poster out of it. Try it here: Samples: -Main page- Unexpectedly, the AI able to recognise durian AKA the 'King of fruit in Malaysia'.😆 As expected, this cutie can't escape from the eyes of AI. 😜 Photo captured at the park. Yeah, that's nature.✌ The photo of mine. Love it. Uhh, banana family? 😂 Oh, baby Dory! Good job, AI! Review: So far the result is quite accurate and the AI is well-trained. However, the AI here has no deep implementation on face recognition. It would be great to have a feature to recognize people's identity by inputting the photos. If the tech has reached here, this might bring privacy or security issues. I guess this prototype has been developed for the use of professionals such as the police. Undoubtedly, AI is making the world better

How can I make my brain sharper, smarter, and lightning fast? by Andrew Ferebee

15 Hacks to Rapidly Increase Your Intelligence and Develop a Lightning Fast Brain 1. Exercise I’m surprised this one hasn’t been mentioned more! Studies have shown time and time again that physical exercise is necessary for cognitive health. Regular exercise can increase brain function, improve memory, speed up cognitive processes, and fight off diseases like Alzheimer’s and dementia. Luckily, you don’t need to spend too much time in the gym to accomplish your goal of a better brain. Experts suggest that 15 minutes of moderate to intense exercise is all that is necessary to optimize cognitive health. I recommend that all of my clients complete some form of resistance training 3X a week for about 45 minutes and then walk, bike, or hike outside for 60 minutes a day for the rest of the week. 2. Get Out in the Sunlight Ever since the skin cancer scare (which was based on exceptionally bad science) people have been avoiding the sun and covering their skin with chemicals. Not only has this m

Who will be the most successful entrepreneur of the 2020s and why? by Hector Quintanilla

Elon Musk 1- SpaceX When Elon Musk started SpaceX, the venture was seen as a fantasy and something that most didn’t take seriously. Elon and the SpaceX Team have proven them wrong. Elon has a mission to make Mars habitable in case the earth is no longer a viable option.     2- Tesla Electric vehicles have been around for a few decades now, but none have really caught on … until Elon got involved. Tesla has solved problems like slow charging, short-range, slow speed, and slow acceleration, plus has made EVs affordable. Now all the car industry is trying to catch up with Elon and the Tesla Team. Personally, I don’t think they have the corporate culture and innovative thinking to do so. Tesla will continue to revolutionize the car industry. 3- Tesla Batteries Founded in 2006, Elon is seeking to make renewable energy something that every home can afford plus revolutionize the battery efficiency of the Tesla cars. SolarCity (another of Elon’s ventures) designs and installs clean energy syst

What are 5 mistakes people make in their 20s that guarantee they will have a hard life? By Andrew Ferebee

1. Closing Your Mind I know way too many people who still operate with the same beliefs, patterns, and styles of thinking that they did when they were 18. They blindly listened to authority, accepted whatever beliefs their family, friends, and society instilled in them…and never bothered to challenge any of it as they grew up. The simple truth is that life is complicated. Infinitely so. And no matter how fervently you believe something, there is someone else somewhere in the world with an antithetical viewpoint that is often just as valid as your own. When you operate with a closed mind in your 20s, you never have the opportunity to formulate your own ideas. To create your own code for living and find your own answers to life’s hard questions. And, if you create this habit in your 20s, it is MUCH harder to break later on. Your 20s should be a time to question everything…religion, politics, life advice, your own goals, your own beliefs about the world, your own identity as a man or woma

How Inventors Think By Stuart Foxman

Discover how inventors think.  To invent, said Thomas Edison, you need two things: “A good imagination and a pile of junk.” In the case of Mike Kelly, add a Canadian storm: It was a cold winter day in 1986 when Kelly, his windshield wipers and his career path were all shaken up. Snow was falling and ice was building up on his wiper blades as he drove along the Ottawa Queensway. He reached forward out the car window, trying to grab the wiper to shake off the ice. Instead, with his attention diverted, he nearly ran into a guardrail. Back home later that day, Kelly, a sales manager for a high-tech company, was curious about how you could safely knock ice off the wiper by flipping a switch inside the car. In his garage, he duct-taped an electric back massager to his wiper and plugged it in so it would shake the wiper. “I was trying to simulate what I had done manually,” says Kelly. But the massage unit was too powerful. “It nearly broke my windshield,” he recalls. St

Things you don't know about PE Ratio

90% of retail investors' myths about PE Ratio PE Ratio as a valuation indicator should not be used too rigidly by investors. Otherwise, you will not know how to workaround. The following will explain many newbies’ myths or “superstitions” to PE ratio: 1) Many masters have said that stocks below PE 10 are cheap, and this is not wrong, but there are many blind spots. If you only buy after watching PE 10 or less, you will lose a lot of investment opportunities, Because PE 10 is just a guideline, Rather than a religious doctrine or legal rule that you need to stick to. The conclusion is that there is no certain number for the PE Ratio. 2) Taking PE Ratio as a whole is actually not a good strategy Because it will ignore PE is actually an equation, composed of Price per share (share price) and Earning per share (profit). The summary is to think and analyze the PE Ratio separately. The following will explain how to do it. How to use PE Ratio to the fullest? 1. Measure market sentiment by

Malaysia scholarship Interview Questions 2019 (from a 1st-year-student)

Flow 22 Aug 2019- Application submitted 09 Oct 2019- Received notification on the interview session 24 Oct 2019- Attended to interview session 30 Oct 2019- Being informed that application is successful INTERVIEW SESSION - 7 Interviewers at one time(board of directors) - 70% of the time talking about family, 30% on personal. 1. Introduce yourself 2. Talk about your family (parents & siblings) 3. How many rooms in your house? 4. Relationship between dad and mum 5. Activities/societies joined in Uni period 6. Working experience 7. Asking question regarding referee 8. What is your biggest dream? 9. Open to any questions for applicants

US National Security Advisor slams China, calls Xi Jinping a successor of Joseph Stalin

Washington: US National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien recently launched an attack on China and likened the country's president Xi Jinping to dictator Joseph Stalin. "The Chinese Communist Party is a Marxist-Leninist organization. The Party General Secretary Xi Jinping sees himself as Josef Stalin’s successor," he said. Robert O’Brien said Chinese Communist Party seeks total control over the lives of its people. Speaking on the treatment given to Muslim Uyghurs and miniorities in the country, he said: "The Chinese Communist Party reinterprets religious texts, including the Bible, to support communist party ideology. It locks up millions of Muslim Uyghurs and other minorities in reeducation camps where they are subjected to political indoctrination and forced labor, while their children are raised in Party-run orphanages." Robert O’Brien said: " This process annihilates family, religion, culture, language, and heritage of the people who are caught up in the

Therapeutic Role-Playing for Phobia Treatment By Lisa Fritscher

Therapeutic role-playing has proved to be an effective treatment for phobia sufferers, who often believe that a feared situation is inherently dangerous. This type of therapy allows a therapist and patient to act out scenarios that are difficult for the phobia sufferer. Through role-playing, the patient learns new behaviors to help overcome their particular phobia. How Does Role-Playing Therapy Work? Therapeutic role-playing is a technique that allows a person with a phobia to practice new behaviors. In a role-playing session, the therapist takes the identity of someone that the person is afraid to confront, such as a parent or employer. The person then interacts with the therapist, utilizing behaviors that she has learned during therapy. After the role-playing session is complete, a debriefing takes place in which the client and therapist discuss what happened and ways to improve the interaction. This technique can be particularly helpful for those dealing with social phobia, germ p

Understanding Emotions by Stephen Douglas

The Relationship between Needs and Emotions Emotions are the body’s signal that ‘needs’ are met or unmet. Abraham Maslow (1954) first suggested that we have a hierarchy of needs; that lower needs must be met before moving on to attend to higher needs. The first five levels are: 1.  Physiological : meeting of basic needs of the body, including food, shelter, and rest. 2. Safety/security : to be safe from danger, both physically and emotionally. 3.  Love and Belonging : to be accepted by, affiliated with, and loved by others. 4.  Self-Esteem : to feel competent, to achieve, gain approval and recognition. 5.  Self-Actualization : morality, creativity and spirituality Only when all these needs are met is a person truly able to give to others and seek emotional or intellectual growth. Emotions, then, are our body’s signal to us about the ‘state of our needs’ at any moment. Positive emotions occur when we believe that our need is being met and negative emotions ‘ale