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Showing posts from May, 2020

Nice words from TED TALK BY Margaret Heffernan

" The fact is the most of the biggest catastrophes that we've witnessed rarely come from information that is hidden. It comes from information that is freely available and out there, but that we are willfully blind to because we can't handle it. don't want to handle the conflict that it provokes. But when we dare to break that silence or when we dare to see and we create conflict , we enable ourselves and the people around us do to our very best thinking . Open information is fantastic, open networks are essential. But the truth won't set us free until we develop the skills, habit, talent and the moral courage to use it.  Openness isn't the end. It's the beginning. " - Margaret Heffernan  💙💚💛💜💓

My matrics lecturer is a LEGEND.

In his class, he will ask us the meaning of some words (unfamiliar to the student).  When we can't answer it, he will NEVER REVEAL the answer.  He will say: " Try to find it on your own!!! " That's all...  I love him a lot!!!  What's behind his action is he was cultivating CURIOSITY and SIFAT INKUIRI in our learning ATTITUDE.  RESPEK SIR !  💙❤️💜💚💛 Photo credit to USM Facebook official page  

Teme Abdullah (2) -Signature Jalanan

When I was reading this book, I always have mixed feelings.  Sometimes, I cried. Sometimes, I smiled. Because it touched my HEART. The stories are interesting. But the most interesting part is, it recalled your memories . 'Signature Jalanan' was about the life of Teme during secondary school life. He was studying in SBP. Oki and Joe are Teme's friends. Both of them have different talents. Joe was weak in Add Maths and Oki who is very talented in Add Maths volunteered to teach Joe. However, Joe rejected his offering because Joe thinks that it is wasting of time(Oki's time) since he cannot do it. He is not talented in Add Maths. In this circumstance, Teme told Joe that 'It's not that YOU can't do it. It is just because YOU were using the wrong way to achieve the purpose.' I totally agree with it. It's not that I can't do coding. It's just a matter of WAYS. One of the reasons why this book so attracted me is Teme put a lot of

INSPIRASI Teme Abdullah

Cuba kira,berapa lama sy berpisah dengan dunia kesusasteraan ? Lebih kurang 2 tahun... Disebabkan pencetusan keinganan menambah kosa kata bahasa melayu, di sinilah saya bertemu dengan Teme Abdullah. Saya telah habis membaca 4 buku dlm sebulan. Perkara yang di luar sangka ialah... 4 buku ini telah mengubahkan cara pemikiran saya dan mengiringi saya ke arah mengenal Tuhan. Dan..... Mengenal diri sendiri. Koleksi Jalanan Teme Abdullah

Corrections / Pembetulan

Still remember last time saya buat Corrections adalah waktu form5.  That time saya hanya 17tahun. Skrg dah 20 tahun.  Baru sedar, sy dah lama x buat pembetulan. Pembetulan atas segala kesalahan yg sy buat. Sudah berapa byk dosa yg sy lakukan. Ya Tuhan, berilah ampunan padaku. Minta maaf kpd semua klau sy ada yg buat silap atau buat hg terasa/terluka. Good day😉

Religion+Culture--- WESAK DAY

 🎑Today is 15th Apr in Chinese Lunar Calendar.  On Wesak Day, Buddhists are encouraged to eat only vegetarian food.🥕  All devotees will go to the temple and ‘bathing’ the Buddha.  (a special ritual that represents the purification and cleansing of a practitioner’s soul of bad karma).  It is 'sunat'. Klau buat akan dpt pahala. tapi x berdosa klau ditinggalkan🏮 🏮  Enjoy! Bathing the Buddha with clean water and flowers.


许多人问乔布斯:苹果的成功秘诀是什么?“ 乔布斯虔诚的说出这样一句魔咒:“ 简单与专注 ”。 并认真的解释道:”简单之所以比复杂更难(Simple can be harder than complex),是因为你必须努力地清空你的大脑,让它变得简单。但这种努力最终被证实为有价值,因为你一旦进入那种境界,便可以撼动大山”。 是的,再难的事情,也架不住“复杂的事情简单化,简单的事情重复做”这个方法。再难的事情,都是有迹可寻,都是有可能简单化的,大道至简,当你发现一件事情简单有效,那就有可能是走上成功的康庄大道上了。把复杂的内容简单化,把内在世界的探索,用路标一点点的记录,把走过的路、用过的方法,简单化,标准化。越是简单,越能变换,越能针对不同的人,来使用。